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Todaily: 4.6.24
- Landscape styles / sketching styles (https://www.wildlifeandart.com...) (no)
- Instead, charcoal style? (no)
- https://www.accessart.org.uk/i... (focus material as opposed to style?)
- Reference photo too limiting? (Or parameters just need "loosening?"
- What is "landscape POV?" How you capture something, of nothing, of something?"
- Breaking story / best practices? (who SME?)
- How different narratives/stories function differently within a 3-act structure
- People w/internal voice vs. no internal voice
- well-being differences
- Sam Harris / Robert M. Sapolsky > Book "Behave"
- Article: How the visually impaired can listen to Monday's eclipse (https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/...) (look for non shit video resource)
- Kids telling kids "go kill yourself
- Increase over last 3 years?
- Sources/studies? (any of us experience that growing up? Brent? Kris? Benka?)
- Phil Tippit / Mad God / Soundtrack > Dan Wool
- Northman soundtrack > Robin Carolan
- Content design breakdown / role evolution up through Director / prioritize order of necessary disciplines (similar > JKD progression)
- Mapping/Spider graph?
- Google right-click option now including "copy text from image"
- "Oil in the pan" = great phrase
- lit. 5-10 car sit before oil check
- "Mulchostolies, the venerable god of suburban lawn care"
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